Elizabeth Diane Martin

Elizabeth Diane Martin


Website: https://www.amazon.com/Elizabeth-Diane/e/B07GBHWL8K/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1


   P.O. Box 203, Colorado Springs, CO, 80901

Inspiration and vision flow from the heart and cause us to create the work we love to do. Elizabeth found the source of her own creativity in the work of an artist. With the heart of a journalist, she writes from a perspective of wonder, marveling at the unquenchable creative power that burns in the hearts of artists and entrepreneurs.

Journaling the intricacies of her life path since 1997 led to an astonishing discovery about intrinsic self-renewing autonomous motivation. She quietly studied, wrote about, shared with others, and independently tested this universal human trait. In her book, The Heart's Mind: How unconscious responses in life and work naturally improve our lives while we make other plans, Elizabeth Diane describes the phenomenon and how it appeared to her in life. Then, in 2020, under the guidance of Debra J. Dean, PhD, Elizabeth labored like an Einstein to prepare a paper about her Theory of Unconscious Response™ for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

Elizabeth earned an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree in art and writing from Colorado Mesa University. Her capstone thesis project, she wrote, designed and published an original allegorical story. The project was supervised by a collaboration among professors in art, English, and anthropology. That experience fused conceptual art and graphic design with writing, forming a uniquely integrated intuition toward creativity.