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WES has a dual purpose of supporting scholars, but also bringing the community and the college together. A WES member today contributes to tuition and book allowances for 20 Colorado College women selected as “WES Scholars” for their achievement, academic and personal promise, as well as financial need.

A WES member has many opportunities to interact with WES Scholars through social events, fundraisers, and campus activities. Currently, WES has 230 members.

WES members enjoy associating with WES Scholars at events throughout the year. They may take part in seasonal programs, a craft fair, and the annual Historic Van Briggle Pottery Festival and Tour.

Additionally, members have the first option to participate in travel opportunities with the PILLAR Institute for Lifelong Learning (originally called the Peak Institute of Living, Learning, and Rejuvenation). A portion of PILLAR registration fees is donated to WES for the benefit of WES Scholars.

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