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I grew up in a highly artistic family, so initially, I would like to thank my parents. I began my artistic career in creative writing and language arts, attaining a BA in English Literature, seven years professional experience as a book editor, and scattered but well-received works of fiction and poetry. I have also pursued music and produced my own CD on which I played all instruments and wrote all of the music — not my strongest art, but a fun diversion. I’ve found the visual arts to be my favorite passion. I really do have a voice, I just don’t always know which language to speak. My art springs forth from joy. I am an optimistic and playful person; my art tends to be as well. As a creative person, I try to absorb life, run it through the washing machine in my brain, and fabricate a new interpretation of it; sometimes figuratively, sometimes abstractly, sometimes whimsically, sometimes a poem, painting, or song. I see maturation with every successive work I produce. I have always been a fast learner, and I believe there is at least one masterpiece in my future. If I’m anything, I’m optimistic. Please visit my website at, or view select works in person at Mountain Living Studios, Thunder & Buttons II, and Academy Frame and Art.

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AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out
AD: EPIC Mozart Piano Quintet.