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Dragontowndan is the “WORLD’S BEST BUILT ALICE COOPER IMPOSTER & STAGE SHOW.” With an uncanny resemblance to the famed showman, coupled with engaging stage performances, DTD has emerged as the WORLD’S PREMIERE ALICE COOPER IMPOSTER- and more. In 2004 the stage name of Dragontowndan was taken (based on the Alice Cooper album “Dragontown,” released the year before.) However, the impersonation began nearly 9 years earlier in the fall of 1996. “I began a stint at a local costume shop during the month of October and dressed up as Alice. Every Halloween season since I have slowly developed my character, studying Alice’s life and playing trivia with the public for prize give-aways- it’s turned into a regional cult phenomenon,” DTD shared. In 2007 DTD set the WORLD RECORD FOR IMPERSONATING ALICE COOPER 31 days straight in costume and character. The proceedings were catalogued by media outlets in the southwestern United States. His guest appearance requests (including the Colorado Springs St. Patrick’s Day Parade of 2009 with over 50,000 in attendance which garnered him MOST ENTERTAINING PARADE ENTRY AWARD from the city), soon developed into a stage show. This was a natural progression as DTD holds a DEGREE IN ELECTRONIC MUSIC from the College of St. Thomas in 1990. Instead of swinging iron on the golf course like Alice, DTD wields iron in the gym, crafting a physique that has pictured him (as his persona) worldwide in magazines such as MUSCLE & FITNESS, MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT (2008) and MEN’S FITNESS RX (2009). DTD’s show boast thousands of dollars worth of stunning decade to decade replicas of Alice’s stage clothing from leather stitched pants to the famed leopard print boots now on display in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame. Along with a detailed wardrobe, DTD dons the stage with a bewildering array of custom designed stage props for a truly engaging audience experience. Singing with his live band (Demon, Raja, & Rev. Doggy) DTD is backed up by a bevy of world class beauties known as the DRAGONTOWN DANCERS, who have graced establishments from SYMPHONY HALL (Arizona Ballet) to the PLAYBOY MANSION. 2010 finds DTD captivating audiences even further with the addition of LIVE KEYBOARD SOLOS to his act, thanks to support from YAMAHA with a digital grand piano. With shows tailored from all age venues to 18+ engagements, DTD spans the generations to accurately replicate the master showman, while blending an exciting flair of solo instrumentation, vivacious dancers, and dazzling theatrics to that which uniquely is DRAGONTOWNDAN, “WORLD’S BEST BUILT ALICE COOPER IMPOSTER & STAGE SHOW.”

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AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out