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As a part of my Music Ed 1 class taught by Dr. Donna Emmanuel, I was given the assignment of using a camera to take a picture of something up close, medium distance, and far away. I spent the following days looking at everything I could from many perspectives, taking pictures trying to find the perfect subject. Seeing the results of my project that day was not all that compelling but the process of seeing things through a lens and capturing a snapshot of life was.

Now, 5 years later it is rare that a camera is not on my person as I document my life of exciting outdoor adventures, simple gatherings with friends, and mundane life. In all the art I create now, I am trying to understand myself through my art. I try to photograph with the same intent of my late uncle, namesake, and photography teacher. He would often say, “Connect with your subject, your audience, and most importantly yourself.”

While I ended up finishing my degree in music education, I am now using the skills I learned in teaching and learning music, to work towards my dream of opening a community center disguised as an arts school. A place for everyone to learn, connect, and create as we work together to “end world suck”, as the nerdfighter community would say.

From events and portraits, to personal prints if photography is involved you’ll find me. If there is anything I hope people gain through interactions with me and my work it is another quote of my uncles. “Things are to be used, not loved. People are to be loved, not used.”

Resume (PDF)


  • Gallery 1 - Daniel Regalado
  • Gallery 2 - Daniel Regalado
  • Gallery 3 - Daniel Regalado
  • A friend Repels after completing a climb in Garden of the Gods

Contact information



AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out
AD: EPIC Mozart Piano Quintet.