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Always Their Son

Artist: Sara Grace Cofield          Year: June 2015

Time is multifaceted, it is fleeting and abundant simultaneously. Shadows and time are inevitably mingled, they move with each other. The piece itself showcases this interaction of the passage of time and its accompanied shadows. As the time of day changes, so does the interaction of shadows. UVC is the perfect location for the work, which contains the Colorado flag to symbolize the strength of community and love for the state as well as the silhouetted image of a young child. Cofield believes communities must help raise children together, for they become our future. The image of the child holds personal meaning for Cofield. It is the silhouette of her brother who died in Iraq in 2011 serving in the United States Army. Strong community ties allowed for my family to grieve but to also celebrate his life and the lives of those who gave their all to protect our home and freedom of speech. The piece is sectioned together, symbolizing the strength community gives to an individual to stand tall. The work is a message to show pride for our home, for our community and for our future.

Medium type: Steel


Colorado Springs, CO, 80918

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