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Zoo-Giraffe House donor wall

The Giraffe House Donor Wall was created by Pat Musick in 2003 to honor the donors funding the construction of a new African Rift Valley Exhibit featuring Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s nationally recognized Giraffe herd and breeding program. The mural is on a semi-circular wall inside the Giraffe House. Pat Musick translated the basic design of the African Rift Valley into vitreous enamel (powdered glass fused to metal at high heat.) Each tile was individually fired in a kiln at least four times; a combination of silkscreen lettering and hand painting techniques were used. Installation of the project took place over several days, accompanied by the gentle presence of the giraffes. (Source: conversation with the artist, Pat Musick)

Category: Mural

Medium type: Paint (acrylic, oil, etc.)

Date created: 2003


Colorado Springs, CO, 80906

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