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Safe Kids Colorado Springs coalition utilizes a combination of education, research, advocacy, and media to prevent unintentional injury in children ages birth to 14 years in the Colorado Springs area.

The Safe Kids Colorado Springs coalition (SKCS) is led by Children’s Hospital Colorado at Memorial Hospital and is overseen by Coalition Coordinator and Leadership Team.

SKCS is a partnership of agencies, businesses and individuals with a common mission of reducing preventable injuries in children in the Colorado Springs area it draws its membership from hospitals, healthcare, police, fire, paramedic, health departments, and other public organizations, parent groups and private individuals. The Coalition is one of over 600 coalitions and chapters from across the United States that work with Safe Kids Worldwide, a nonprofit program of the Children’s National Medical Center, based in Washington, DC.


To identify and prevent injuries and children ages birth to 14 years in the El Paso County and Teller County areas by using a combined program of education, research, advocacy, and media consistent with the safe kids worldwide beans concerning major preventable injury risk areas.

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AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out