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Lincoln Center: All plants are our brothers and sisters

This 9’x 33’ ceramic tile mural was created in 2008 by artist Sherry Bennett, all students and staff of Lincoln Elementary School, and volunteers from the North Colorado Springs Rotary Club.

In the fall of 2007 Lincoln Elementary School, under the leadership of Principal Dave Cook, began a year-long environmental stewardship project designating 2007-2008 as the year to make their school “green.” Projects included procuring plants for every classroom, establishing a recycling program and creating a student-led club known as YES (Young Environmental Stewards), planting Xeriscape gardens and installing a mosaic mural that encourages environmental stewardship. Catamount Institute provided guidance for the projects. Service-Learning of Colorado Springs provided funding and the North Colorado Springs Rotary Club provided both funding and volunteers. A Rotary club member recruited Sherry Bennett to be the artist in charge of the project. Rotary club members worked with the students every week during the school year so that every student could make tiles that went into the mural.

Students chose the theme and the words for the mural. Each student was able to make three tiles of their choice (a flower, leaf, bird or other living creature.) After Sherry bisque fired the tiles and the students then painted them. Sherry did the final firing. She created the tree, the words and the blue and green flat tiles and then assembled the entire mosaic on 4’ x 8’ panels which were then ... view more »

Medium type: Ceramic Tile

Date created: 2008


2727 N Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907

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