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Broadmoor Elementary School: Herzog Memorial Amphitheater

This cement amphitheater was financed and created by the Broadmoor PTO and local businesses in 1997. It was built in memory of the Herzog family. Adam and Seth Herzog, students at Broadmoor Elementary and their father Joel, who were killed in a small plane crash in 1995. Their mother, Nancy Saltzman, was the principal at Broadmoor Elementary at the time but was not in the crash. It was restored in 2013 by Concrete Couch and the Broadmoor Elementary students and faculty. Special tiles depicting animals, fish and flowers were created by school students as an art class activity. Other tiles contain the names of Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students who helped create the mosaic. The memorial includes in-ground plaques for Adam, Seth and Joel and the whole memorial. See detailed photos below. (Source: Dedication Plaque and conversations with school faculty and staff)

Medium type: Ceramic Tile

Date created: 1997


440 Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO, 80906

Contact information

AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out
AD: EPIC Mozart Piano Quintet.