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Madame Eroshenko

Madame Eroshenko is a digital projection by Yoshitomo Saito.

The creation of this animated work was inspired by the physically handicapped butterfly Saito took care of for a short period of time in the summer of 2014. Because of her damaged wings she couldn’t fly. Saito felt so sorry for her lack of ability that he decided to make an image of a forever-flying butterfly in a dreamy atmosphere. Adding to the personal commemorative aspect, this obtusely simple minimalistic repetition and the slow rhythmic movement of wings may also remind people of deep breathing exercises and their strong calming effect. The exercise can provide an effective entrance to the quietude of brain necessary for reflection, meditation, or actual healing of body and soul.

Medium type: Digital Projection


Acacia Park, Colorado Springs, CO, 80903

Contact information

AD: Downtown Partnership Moms Day Out
AD: EPIC Mozart Piano Quintet.